Try to determine the substance through markings on the containers or other clues as to what type of chemicals are in the cans (i.e. pesticides, old oil or gas, cleaning solutions, etc.). For more information on hazardous waste disposal, contact the Delaware-Knox-Marion-Morrow Solid Waste District.

To find out the current snow emergency level, you can check or follow the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office on Facebook and Twitter.

To sign up for snow emergency level text alerts, text “DELCOSNOW” to 888777.

To check current road conditions and travel times, visit

You should call 9-1-1 immediately to report any unusual odors. Your local fire department will respond to investigate the odor. After the fire department determines the cause, they may request the Delaware County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management to respond and evaluate.

YES! Just as with an unusual odor, you should call 9-1-1 immediately. The Delaware County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management along with your local fire department will both respond to investigate the unusual occurrence.

Outdoor warning sirens (aka tornado sirens) are designed to be heard outdoors. Always have multiple means for communications. For indoor alerts, residents are encouraged to sign up for the Delaware County mass notification system DelCoAlerts at Other good ways to receive alerts are with a weather radio, signing up for text alerts from local television stations, and other applications from trusted agencies. Be aware that anyone can set up a social media page saying they’re an authority on any given topic. It is important to always get your alerts and notifications from reliable sources.

There are 16 outdoor warning sirens in Delaware County that are activated through a joint partnership between Delaware County Emergency Communications (9-1-1) and Delaware County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management.

For more information on outdoor warning sirens in Delaware County, including a map of siren locations, check out our preparedness information page.